Who has seen this before?

Dear Bobbi's


ime Scary


Dear Bobbie:

that I must

ways leaving



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of regret


I am sorry that I must do it this way, leaving a note and disappearing while you are away. But, unfortunately, I do not believe that I have the courage to face you. For two years we were happy, loving and all the rest. As to what has changed you during the past four or five months, I am unable to say. You have, undoubtedly, turned into the nastiest, loudest, most annoying S. O. B. I have ever had the misfortune to know. I quite fully realize that I myself have been no prize package to live with-but considering all in all; the changing of a job, the responsibility for reorganizing an office, and the death of my mother-I have certainly not become impossible to live with. When I first met you, Bobbie my love, you were bright-eyed and bushytailed, full of youthful vim and vigor, hope and aspirations and above all -talent. It has only recently dawned upon me that your more-than-wonderful personality traits have undergone a hideous transformation. You have become, and not in just the past few months, either, lazy, a little shiftless, thoughtless, and a few other "less's".

I have always made fun of the swishing, screaming, flaunting queens and you have always laughed with me. When did you stop laughing? Stop laughing and start becoming one, of these parodies on the human race? Besides your warm and loving nature, one of the things that attracted me to you was your delightful voice, so soft and musical, warm and tender. I have not had the privilege of hearing that voice in many months. I believe that is when that which is terminating in my departure began. At the time your voice grew just a little harsh and raised an octave or two. It grated my nerves, but I refused to allow it to bother me. I loved you enough to pay it very little mind.

Then from being my bouncy baby boy you began being my saucy little miss. Which was but a step from full-fledged swishing and swooping. And I congratulate you on the split-second timing it took you to take that step! mattachine REVIEW


One thing I will never understand is your jealousy. For two years, loving and lovable. Then, within one day or two of our anniversary, a streak of coldness and indifference crept into our relationship. First it was headaches, then you were so tired from rehearsals, then you felt kind of lousy, but always with an undercurrent of "don't bother me—if I want you, I'll tell you."

I would come home from the office, tired, beat, worried about acquiring an ulcer from worrying about business, and be offered a cheek. After two years! I found myself making love to a cheek!

Then to climax this icy indifference beautifully, I found myself subjected to petty snoopings and arguments after each and every hour that I spent away from the apartment, and after business hours were supposedly ended for the day.

Never, not once during our entire relationship (up to and including this minute that this is being written) have I ever given you any cause for jealousy, my dear Bobbie.

I have looked at others, but only admiringly, so to speak, if I were single. But I was not, nor did I really want to be. I have been jealous of you. Never though did I resort to screaming tirades or accuse you of infidelity. And

you know that.

The last two months have been really much more than I could possibly be expected to take. I do not mind a party, nor do I mind having friends drop



Published monthly since 1932, in French, German and English (no translation duplications); contains photos, illustrations and art reproductions, Ralf, editor. Annual subscriptions $11 first class sealed, Bank draft or cash to Lesezirkel Der Kreis, Postfach 547, Fraumunster, Zurich 22, Switzerland.


Mimeographed English edition, published bi-monthly by International Committee for Sexual Equality, Jack Argo, editor. Annual subscriptions, $10. Address Postbox 1564, Amsterdam. Holland. (Single copies 50 cents each may be ordered from Mattachine Review.)


Monthly literary and scientific review in French, A. Baudry editor. Subscriptions $9 per year. Address

74 Blvd. de Reuilly, Paris XII